Thursday, September 10, 2020

TEMPLE...Bikeride...and DISCIPLESHIP!!!

Today is Sunday September 6, 2020

Another delightful week has just passed in the Canada Montreal Mission, and again we feel so grateful for the ‘Gospel of Jesus Christ’ and the opportunity we have to be His Disciples. Everytime we get to interact with our army of missionaries, we teach that this precious time is just the start of their ‘DISCIPLESHIP.’  I love to have them picture their own ‘covenant path,’ and then to think about a ‘covenant trench’ which is deeper, and requires more effort to create, but once there, it is a safe spot, with piled up dirt banks, where stumbling off would be much more difficult. I also like to think that my trench is wide enough for a bunch of family and friends to join me, especially as they might be struggling on their own. THAT is what DISCIPLESHIP is all about; finding and helping others get on their own covenant path (or trench). Ministering is all about Discipleship.  As we learn about, and practise Christlike attributes of Faith, Hope, Charity and Love, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, Humility, Diligence and Obedience, discipleship naturally flows. But it doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen in 18 months or two or three years….it is a process, and we have our whole lives to strive!! Our own personal private religious observances of praying and reading and studying the scriptures, and serving others are key in our ‘Discipleship quest.’ 

Although the past seven days we spent most days sitting looking at our iPad screens, the time literally flew by! Monday Office Meetings were lovely as we interacted with our great team there, and zoomed with many of our other Mission leaders! And Tuesday through Friday we loved interviewing with all our Mount Royal Zone and Montreal Zone missionaries! Our system works well with Richard in our Mission Home Office, and me at the Kitchen table. It is such a wonderful way to get to know all our army!! What remarkable young adults they are, with incredible conversion stories. 

Thursday at 4:00pm we were seated in our Montreal Temple with about 13 other folks for the first Post-covid Session!! Elder Orrego, (from Victoria B.C.) whose parents flew here to be with him, had not been to the Temple yet, and that was such a lovely experience to be there with them. We have about seven more missionaries that we will get to have that joyous time with; and more parents are coming too!! Two is the maximum number of first timers, and I think they cap the numbers at 16. What a thrill to be back!!

Yesterday was Pday and we had such a FUN adventure!! I packed a simple lunch of fruit and veggies, while Richard loaded up our bikes in the back of the Highlander; and by 9:45am we were off to Le P’tit Train du Nord which in an old (1890’s) CPR railway line in the Laurentian’s which now is a multi-use recreational trail running parallel to the Riviere du Nord. The almost flat, well packed dirt/gravel trail was just perfect… great signage, spectacular views, and hundreds of other cheerful cyclists, walkers, and runners. It felt so wonderful to feel the sun on our faces, to pedal like crazy, to see the stunning green forest vistas, and to really relax!! By the time we finished our 24 km jaunt, my nutty ragweed allergies had gone crazy, and I could barely see to get a Reactine allergy pill from the car. 

We finished our ride about two minutes before the Zoom call to watch the Baptism of Carolina Provost. What a thrill to get to participate in that!! She has quite the incredible story! Sisters Vargas and Atkins are the sisters who participated in teaching her. 

I haven’t raved (for a while!!) about the magnificent outdoor gardens resplendent with ferns, ivy, geranium, impatience, begonia, strawberry fields, and dozens of flowers and plants I have no idea what they are!! We’ve had lots of great rain so lush foliage on trees and shrubs is everywhere.  Top of my favorite list are the lush huge displays of hydrangea which are everywhere.. definitely a staple in every ‘real’ gardeners garden!! Since we moved here, we have added about 10 new of our own so I’m hoping that will put us into the ‘real’ gardeners category!!! Petunias that I love in Alberta,  have made it to my black list of what not to plant here next year! Who knew that - snails - can devour an entire plant in a week? For years I have battled with their western Canadian cousins - slugs - but had no idea these slimy snail critters were lurking in our flower beds here. Japanese beetles are another noxious pest that have desimated dozens of our sweet potato vine leaves. I’ll include some photos of our pretty yard, but will not include any of the pests! 

Keep reading for the lovely CMM Miracles of the Week!!

Canada Montreal Mission Miracles week of August 29 - September 6, 2020

From the Laurier YSA Elders:

We had a small miracle this week where at the end of a lesson our friend asked us about the Holy Ghost, and we were trying to think of a chapter in the Book of Mormon he could read before our next lesson and discuss. It was at that exact moment my scriptures literally fell open to 2 Nephi 32, above which I had written «Le Saint Esprit  ».  All the sudden it became really easy to pick a chapter to ask him to read. Thank you for all you do! 

Mandarin Elders:

MIRACLE: we had a referral for a man named Nick.   After showing no interest in the Gospel, we decided to be bold. It…didn't work. We were losing him and he seemed less and less interested to even talk with us. It was clear that there was no relationship and so being bold had no effect on him, and was actually turning him away. So we just flipped it and went full on to build a connection first and then we invited him to come to activities. He was not only willing but proactive in getting involved. He now hopes to come to all of the activities in the future to make more friends. Soon this will lead to him wanting to learn more. 

Laurier YSA Elders:

A cool miracle we say this past week was in Sacrament meeting. I was asked to give a talk and I felt prompted to give it about the importance of The Book of Mormon and bear my testimony of its truthfulness and so I did. What was amazing is that we had had a member keep his invitation to invite one of His friends to Church and this friends heard my talk. After the meeting we spoke with him and he said he really wanted to get a copy of The Book of Mormon so we gave him one of the ones marked with the questions of the soul and he was so happy. He has been reading it and we hope to meet with him this upcoming week ! 

Riverside (Ottawa) sisters 2.0:

We have had another really good week! We were blessed with such a sweet miracle! We were having a member lesson with a recent convert when we asked him if he had anybody in his life that we could help. He then told us that his sister has just asked him to start teaching her four children about the gospel! They had been having Sunday school lessons for the past two weeks! We were able to set up a lesson with them and we are so excited that we get the opportunity to help teach them! 

And there you have a quick report on our week!

With our Mission still in Phase One, our complement of new missionaries is limited to 'Canadian only' new missionaries so we are hovering around 145, BUT.... we are ready for a ‘new missionary tsunami' that we are praying will come. We have around 30 empty apartments, as well as 30 new Nissan Rogues just waiting to be driven!! While we wait, 'we' continue to contact, and teach over social media…day in and day out we are busy  Facebook finding, contacting former investigators, and relying so much on member-connections!! Tons of creating quality Facebook posts, as well as quick posts. Generally our teams remain positive, and upbeat as they do this 'new normal and natural finding.' With spending so many hours a day looking at screens, wearing blue light glasses has almost become the norm..we press on!! 

Thank you for your love and support. Know that we feel the power of your prayers on behalf of missionaries, and are so very grateful ..thank you!

We will send this off with much love xoxoxoxoxoxo

Grandpa and Grandma, Dad and Mom, and Richard and Gayle

CTR and Keep Smiling!!!

oops…Sorry this didn’t get sent on Sunday!!